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Self-catering country cottages, houses and apartments in and close to Billingshurst, West Sussex

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Self-catering country cottages, large country houses, apartments and other accommodation for long or short breaks near Billingshurst, West Sussex. Please click on any images shown to view the details of the self-catering accommodation within 10 miles of Billingshurst, or use the Search and display many more holiday homes in Sussex and the south of England.

Holidaymakers with dogs will be pleased to find that there are some pet-friendly cottages in Sussex. Dog owners generally prefer to holiday with their dog than leave it languishing elsewhere. A range of holiday accommodation is available, 1 bedroom cottages that sleep 2, large houses, luxurious with several bathrooms, cottages with a swimming pool, spacious farmhouses in rural areas and more.

We hope that you manage to find a lovely place to stay for a fabulous self-catering break in the south of England.